Beatrice Laurita



Curriculum: Agro-Forestry Engineering

Supervisor: Prof.ssa  Elena Bresci


Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze

Phone Mobile:  +39 392 9240562


I am Beatrice Laurita, I was born on 24/01/1991 in Forlimpopoli (FC). I graduated at the University of Bologna where I obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental and Agro-forestry Sciences (Scool of Agriculture); then I continued my studies at the University of Florence where I obtained a Master's degree in Tropical Rural development (110/110 cum laude).

Research interests and PhD project

I am currently at the first year of the PhD in Agro-forestry engineering. My research interests deal with Water harvesting and, in particular, I’m analyzing the relationships between water conflicts and water harvesting.
More generally I am interested in cooperation and water management in arid areas.

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